

Why US

A full scale Marketing Agency

We can be the decisive factor behind your success

We are a company which offers a complete service package for advertising your brand. As we have a strong believe that centralized data is much better than decentralized data. As it will create a meaningful and appealing image which leads to positive ROI.

Call us old-fashioned, but we still believe in basic ethics which starts with building relationships, putting in the time, immediate response to clients query, weekly meetings, monthly reports  and working hard to win the day.

Learn more about how we work, and how you can achieve sustainable growth with Digital Virtual Assist. Schedule a meeting Here

Our Story

Digital Virtual Assist came into being because of the two major gaps in the market. The first was between how digital marketing is sold, and how your customers actually shop and buy. They hit dozens of touch points before contacting your business, so it doesn’t make sense to hire different agencies to handle different channels, like social and email, or different functions, like creative and media. Buyers will encounter many of these pieces of content in many different places, which means the strategy, the content, and the data need to be centralized to make a meaningful impact.

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Leadership Team

Ki Alexandria

Ki Alexandria

Managing Director
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Kelly Williams

Marketing Strategist

Where Are We Located?

Our Location

833 Madeyln Drive, Desplaines, Illinois.

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